Saturday, August 3, 2013

Laptop Apple MacBook Pro MD101LL/A Deals & Reviews

Elizabeth A. Schauble "Azunai" (USA): I used to be a die hard windows fan. I was always bashing OSx for the usual things (too expensive, too dumb, et cetera, et cetera), and I never really gave it a chance. Windows 7 was my OS of choice from the day it came out, and I used it on many different computers with (or at least what I thought then) good results. It's certainly not a bad OS but...
This past holiday season, I got an Asus tablet PC. I wanted to love it, I really did. I gave it a five star review here on Amazon, and I tried my very hardest to use it to it's fullest potential. It was working fine for a while, until I tried the Windows 8 beta. It was all down-hill from there. Viruses, problems (beyond those that should be in a beta, and a general ugliness drove me absolutely insane, and I decided to move away from Windows, at least temporarily. I bought a Chromebook, and while I absolutely love it and highly recommend it, I wanted more out a computer than it offered.

Farb Dannon (New York, NY, United States): After using the two machines side-by-side for a couple weeks now, I can say that the MacBook Air outperforms the MacBook Pro in almost every task and in terms of overall speed and performance. Compared with the newly refreshed and updated Air, the new MacBook Pro is frankly a significant disappointment, and I've pretty much stopped using it altogether in favor of the faster Air. Despite the Air's slower CPU clock speed, it performs faster than the Pro in actual tasks due to the performance boost afforded by it's SSD hard drive. The SSD drive on the MacBook Air makes an enormous difference in everything from casual web browsing to video editing.

Skyhawk (USA): I am a college student that was looking for a laptop. And at first I was thinking I was going to get something like a i7 with dedicated Gpu windows computer. But I am glad I didn't!
FOR ALL WINDOWS FANS, first of all I want to share that I do not hate windows since I game on my windows desktop that I built myself.But my experience with windows laptops has not been the best. Always had miscellaneous problems with video drivers, screen, touch pad you name it! But I thought to myself that hey! at least I have really good spec laptop. Wrong! once I switched to mac all those things seemed unacceptable! I have now noticed that apple really take their time making their laptops and quality is there as well! Now here are some of my reviews of the specs.

Evans Thompson (Dallas, TX USA): The new Thunderbolt port replaces the previous Mini Displayport from the previous generation. It provides much more flexibility for connectivity. There's an increasing number of Thunderbolt accessories such as external disk drives and displays, though you do pay a price for the improved performance. The same port is compatible with existing MiniDisplay accessories and cables, which lets you connect a display via HDMI, DVI, or VGA with various adapters. If you have devices that use a regular DisplayPort, adapters from Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort are also available.

1 comment:

  1. MacBook Pro is most valued and liked by the School going generations as it is easy for them to do multitasking, accomplish their entertainment needs and many more through it.
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